Long Beach Battery Lawyer
What is Battery?
As opposed to simple assault, battery is any willful and unlawful use of violence on someone else. No injury needs to be inflicted on the alleged victim – all that is required is offensive contact. When you are charged with a violent offense, you urgently need a skilled legal advocate at your side. At Peacock & Le Beau, you can find two of the most qualified defense lawyers in Southern California. A Long Beach battery lawyer at our criminal law firm can help you navigate your battery charges.
What sets our battery defense team apart?
- Our firm has been selected for inclusion in California Super Lawyers®
- We have 20+ years’ experience working side-by-side on defense cases
You cannot afford to be with less than fully experienced and dedicated defenders. At our criminal defense firm, you can count on benefitting from decades of proven, client-focused legal advocacy from our Long Beach battery attorneys. Don’t hesitate to see what our exceptional defense team can do for you.
Our legal team has successfully defended clients in 1,000+ criminal cases.
You could be next. Call (562) 888-9148 or contact us online today for your free consultation from a Long Beach battery defense attorney!
What type of penalties could I be facing for a battery charge?
There are two types of battery, simple battery and aggravated battery. Simple battery occurs when there is no serious injury involved. However, if battery is committed against certain professionals, such as police officers, it cannot be considered a misdemeanor. Battery that causes serious injury, such as a broken bone or concussion, is an even more serious charge. It may even cause the prosecution to seek felony charges, which would result in harsher penalties.
You could face the following for battery charges:
- Between 6 months and 3 years in jail
- Around $2,000 in fines
- A permanent criminal record
Simple Battery vs. Aggravated Battery
Under Section 242 of the California Penal Code, battery is described as an "unlawful attempt to cause violent injury to another person." You may be charged with battery by simply attempting to cause injury. A battery may result in a misdemeanor conviction or even a felony depending on the circumstances of a case (such as domestic violence). Simple battery often has minimal penalties, while aggravated battery (such as for battery against a law enforcement officer) may result in serious penalties. With the right legal advocate by your side, however, you can protect your rights and avoid undeserved consequences.
40+ Years’ Combined Experience Can Protect Your Future. Call Us Today!
Facing battery charges in California and unsure of where to turn? Our Long Beach battery defense lawyers are more than prepared to guide you through this difficult time. We know that many times, charges of battery are leveled against someone who was acting in self-defense or was caught in confusing circumstances. You don't have to fight these charges on your own.
Our Long Beach criminal defense attorneys have defended clients throughout Orange County and Southern California for decades. When you need trusted counsel, you can come to the Law Office of Peacock & Le Beau. Our attorneys can provide the expert advocacy you deserve—we know how to get your charges reduced or dismissed, and we constantly prepared to battle for your rights in trial if necessary.
A Long Beach battery lawyer at our firm can craft a tailor-made defense for your criminal case. Your initial consultation with us is free, so call (562) 888-9148 now!

Recent Case Results
A Firm with a Proven Track Record
Obtained Restraining Order
Charges Reduced Battery and Drunk in Public
Reduced (22) Counts of Inhabited Dwelling Shooting
Dismissed Juvenile DUI
Reduced Grand Theft
Reduced DUI
Reduced to Infraction Forgery
Charges Reduced Lewd Conduct and Vehicle Tampering
Dismissed Restraining Order
Dismissed Assault & Battery
Charges Reduced Felony Receiving Stolen Property
Reduced DUI
Reduced DUI Drugs
Dismissed Driving with Suspended License
Dismissed Drug Possession for Sales
Not Guilty Felony Domestic Violence with Great Bodily Injury
Not Guilty Sexual Battery, Assault, and Potential Registration
Reduced Drug Possession for Sales
Obtained Restraining Order
Charges Dismissed Domestic Violence/Drunk in public