Ecstasy Lawyer in Long Beach, CA
Facing Charges? Retain a Knowledgeable Drug Crime Lawyer
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) is the much less popular name for ecstasy, which has been shorted even more so to the drug known as E. Taking ecstasy may cause damage to the individual’s heart, muscles, and soft tissues, even when used in extreme moderation. While some people may consider it a “party substance” and use it solely for recreation, the dangerous nature of the drug has caused it to become illegal in all states, punishable by federal law.
If you have been convicted of holding, distributing, or manufacturing ecstasy in Long Beach, California, the experienced and skilled drug crime attorneys at the Law Office of Peacock & Le Beau may be able to help you. Do not hesitate a day more.
What sort of punishments are there for ecstasy offenses?
In its history, the severity of ecstasy possession, distribution, and manufacturing offense punishments has varied. Until 1985, it wasn’t even explicitly outlawed in the United States. If you aren’t up to speed on current drug laws, you might not know what sort of fines and jail time to expect, should you be found guilty of your charges.
Ecstasy is now considered to be a Schedule 1 drug in the United States. Substances considered to be Schedule 1 are given certain characteristics, defined as:
- No recognized medical use or benefit.
- Abusive or addictive in nature.
- Cannot be considered safe to use, even with medical supervision.
- Subject to strictest federal and state laws.
Ecstasy possession is not to be taken lightly. Ecstasy charges are typically more punishing than those found in cocaine-related cases.
Professional Help May Be Your Best Chance at Freedom
Although possession of ecstasy can be tried as a misdemeanor, or even an infraction, time and time again, judges in California have chosen to list the charges as felonies. If you have been charged with a drug-related crime, you may be facing years in jail or fines in the thousands of dollars. Let the Long beach criminal defense lawyers at the Law Office of Peacock & Le Beau defend you! We have over 25 years of criminal defense experience, with great focus on drug charges, at our disposal that can win your case.
Call now for a free consultation or to set up a visit. Do not delay.

Recent Case Results
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